Annual Convention – 2015

Annual Convention - 2015

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 Every December we conduct our annual convention where Godly speakers and music bands are invited to share the truth and love of Jesus Christ. This year it was conducted on 11, 12, and 13th of December and more than 1000 people gathered to hear the word of God. The main purpose of this annual convention is to share the gospel to our neighbors and people who are within few kilometers radius. Pastor K.A Abraham and his music ministry (SGM) was invited for this annual convention, where they lead the worship and shared the gospel. More than 1200 people attended this event, many had the chance to accept Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. This convention was a spiritual blessing to all the people in our ministry and nearby areas.  We will be conducting this event in the coming December 2016, and you are welcome to join us.

“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.” (Psalm150:6)

If anyone would like to sponsor this event or would like be part of it, please let us know by filling the contact form. Thank You.